Goldenrod Server

14 Sep

Server API= CGI
PHP Version 5.2.11
GD Version 2.0.34
GIF Read Support: is activated
JPG Support: is activated
PNG Support: is activated
MySQL database 5.0.90-community

Server Settings: (see the phpinfo click here )

upload_max_filesize 800 mega
post_max_size 800 mega
memory_limit 200 Mega
max_execution_time 12000
max_input_time 12000
safe_mode is deactivated
allow_url_fopen is activated
file_uploads is activated
open_basedir is deactivated

These values can NOT be altered by using the .HTACCESS file as this server runs on CGI, that means it is the php.ini file which controls these functions. Please note, on this server file permissions must be 644 and folder permissions must be 755, a 777 will cause the site not to load with a server error warning, we hope this way to keep hackers away!!!

Server Paths: (test click here)


PHP CLI /usr/local/bin/php

If you need help don’t hesitate to contact us.

Red5 paths:

Please read

Uploading Videos:

If on the start of the upload you get this message:

“cant find file length”

2 reasons could be the cause, files inside cgi-bin folder arent CHMOD to 755 or the paths of the file inside cgi-bin are wrong.


Ostube Demo

Clipshare Demo

If you need installation of any of the above scripts, please contact support, installation costs only $15.00.